JILI Agent Slotvip Program, Opportunity to Receive Unlimited Commissions

Currently, the JILI Agent Slotvip program is attracting the attention of many people because of the ability to earn additional income from commissions. If you want to participate in this job, make sure you clearly understand the content, conditions, tasks and commission levels you can receive. Stay tuned for more detailed information about this program.

Some information about JILI Agent Slotvip

JILI Agent Slotvip is a special program for members to participate in betting and entertainment activities on the house’s platform. Those who take on the role of agents are considered affiliated partners with members participating in the entertainment. At the same time, this role also helps the Slotvip brand approach players in the entertainment betting market more closely.

The role of the agent is not only that of an intermediary but also that of a strategic partner, contributing to the sustainable development of the member network. This job is only for members of the house’s community. The agent’s duties include managing betting products, sending invitations and assisting other customers with any questions.

In addition, this role also helps create favorable conditions for new participants, allowing them to access and experience services from the house’s system. With the Slotvip brand, the agent role plays an extremely important and irreplaceable role, and is highly appreciated for its welfare regimes and huge income from commission discounts.

General information about the JILI AGENT Slotvip program
General information about the JILI AGENT Slotvip program

The incentives that JILI Agent Slotvip enjoys

Becoming a JILI Agent Slotvip, you will enjoy many special incentives, specifically as follows:

Enjoy high commissions

A huge benefit that JILI Agent Slotvip enjoys is the ability to receive huge amounts of money every month without having to work on the street or participate in betting. This bonus amount not only includes commissions from the house, but also includes bonuses from leveling up in the program.

Used Slotvip brand image

Agents are free to use the house’s brand image to promote to customers. With a reputable brand in the betting field, the exclusive image of the website will help players trust and choose your agent. This will help you achieve better results in finding and attracting new members.

Strategic consulting support

That’s right, if you need support with promotion and customer search strategies, the unit will be ready to advise and help you implement an effective plan. You don’t need to worry too much because the brand’s business experts will create a specific plan and enthusiastically support you so you can achieve success quickly.

Optimize startup capital

Registering to become a JILI Agent Slotvip is completely free, you do not have to pay any initial business costs. However, during operations, there are costs to maintain stable operations, such as the cost of hiring customer service staff, website promotion costs, and other costs. But these costs will be guaranteed to be worth it and it is possible to make a profit from commissions and other policies that the house offers.

Special offer for JILI AGENT Slotvip
Special offer for JILI AGENT Slotvip

JILI Agent Slotvip policy details need to be clearly understood

Below are the specific policies that Slotvip has clearly stated for agents:

Daily revenue commission

JILI Agent Slotvip can earn up to 1.0% commission from the betting revenue of the members they are affiliated with each day. The amount of commission you receive depends on the number of your affiliate members. You don’t need to worry about losing commissions from subordinates, as long as your subordinate members bet, you will receive commissions up to 1.0%. Commissions will be paid daily and transferred to your account the next day. There are no processing fees when you withdraw funds from your agent account. You can log in to the agent platform to withdraw cash.

Additional rewards

The JILI Agent Slotvip system has a strong leaderboard, and all agents have the opportunity to receive additional rewards. If you want to receive additional rewards during the month, you can submit your own promotional ideas and performance goals for the month (including number of members and bet amount) to the commissioner. If you reach that performance goal, you’ll receive a reward for that month.

Business and healthy competition

We will select outstanding agents every month and determine the top 10 agents based on the number of active subordinate members of each agent (including depositing and betting). We will give them a certain amount of special money as a reward. In addition, for agents who have their own Facebook, Tiktok, Telegram, Youtube, Instagram, and video pages to strongly promote Slotvip, we will provide financial support through cash or provide social network accounts. opportunity to help them expand their market according to their abilities.

Provide the dealer with an exclusive URL

We provide professional advertising links for agents through platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Youtube, Tiktok and other video sites. We will provide the exclusive top-level domain as an exclusive advertising URL to each agency. Users just need to access the account registration URL and automatically become a new member, no need to enter a referral code, and the commission will be automatically transferred to the member account.

Agent activity requirements

To maintain an affiliate account, the affiliate needs to satisfy at least 3 effective members per month. If they do not reach effective membership in 2 months, we will temporarily revoke their affiliate account permissions. However, we will wait until they meet the effective membership requirement to reactivate their affiliate account.

Exclusive JILI AGENT Slotvip policies
Exclusive JILI AGENT Slotvip policies

Special mode for JILI Agent Slotvip

  • Become a JILI Agent Slotvip without paying any fees and you can start earning unlimited income, whether you are at home or on a business trip, as long as you have extensive links and relationships, you You can easily make a lot of money anytime, anywhere.
  • Slotvip’s exclusive agent commission model. Agents truly enjoy the most attractive profits, agents are entitled to receive commissions up to 1.0% daily on all bets placed by members!
  • The new agent model offered by Slotvip has the highest commission in the entire network, for example you have 10 junior members, the average bet amount for each member is 10,000,000 PHP. Then the commission you receive The profit per day is: (10,000,000x10x1. 0% ) = 1,000,000 PHP, so it easily exceeds the threshold of 1,000,000PHP. Monthly income is no longer a dream.
  • Slotvip’s new affiliate model is calculated from 12:00 to 18:00 daily (Philippine time) for commission payment [same day payment] and the payment will be automatically transferred to the affiliate account, you can withdraw money Or for recreational betting, both are possible
  • Slotvip provides a free money-making platform for everyone, you just need to become our agent, you just need to have contact or have your own promotion program, you don’t need any operations to develop into junior member and won’t take much of your time, don’t worry about losing money, you can sit and wait for profits to come.

Instructions for registering for JILI Agent Slotvip to enjoy special incentives

Procedures for registering to join JILI AGENT Slotvip

The JILI Agent Slotvip account registration process is as follows:

  • Step 1: Visit the bookmaker’s official website at the official address and find the “Agent” section.
  • Step 2: The website will display information about the brand’s commission policy. Read this information carefully and then click the “Register” button.
  • Step 3: The website requires you to enter complete information as required by the system. Please provide complete and accurate personal information.
  • Step 4: After entering information, confirm that you have checked and agree with the terms and regulations of the house. Then, click the “Submit request” button to complete the registration process.
  • Step 5: The recruitment department’s admin team will review your request and contact you to notify you of the registration results. In case of successful registration, you will receive specific information and instructions on becoming a Slotvip agent.

Above is the JILI AGENT Slotvip program for official members. If you want to earn extra income and develop your business skills, register now.